Catching up with Tracy Beagan

I can’t believe it has been a whole year since my interview with MilspoFAN!  Time has really flown by, but in a good way!  First and foremost, we have been busy together as a family.  We are gearing up for our 5th deployment so we have been getting as much family time in as possible.  Our girls kept busy over the summer with camps and are now playing soccer, doing dance and enjoying being in school with all their friends. We are still loving that California living!

As for me, I too have been keeping busy!  I have worked on a few new collections and made a lot of new work that I am really proud of.  I am still working with an art agent, and have had my best year yet in sales and licensing deals.  She has sold some of my work to big brand names like Hobby Lobby, and I got two licensing deals with companies that will be using my work on ceramic glassware, paper plates, tea towels and planters.  Very exciting! 

In addition to my artwork, I have been working with another artist who has a variety of classes.  I am a part of her support team, and I am shocked how much I have enjoyed seeing, critiquing and giving feedback to people’s artwork and the work they have done on their portfolios.  It has brought a new sense of joy into my life as an artist and I am so grateful for the opportunity.  

Lastly and more recently I have helped start a little art program at my daughters’ elementary school.  We are focusing on an artist each month of school and then doing a little project based on that artist's artwork.  It has been such a joy coming up with projects for each of the grades to do and it has been so nice being a small part in my children’s education! 

It should be another busy year coming up, flying solo for a bit, but I am excited where things are heading.  I still have some big goals I hope to achieve (like drawing and publishing a coloring book) so I am continuing to work towards those goals and more! 

Thanks for catching up with me!

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2023 MilspoFAN Interview:







An Interview with Marie Martelly


Catching up with Matt Valverde